Paris Jackson ha sido una superestrella toda su vida a pesar de tener sólo 24 años y ser la segunda hija del icónico músico Michael Jackson.
Paris ha atravesado varias dificultades desde la muerte de su padre. Pero la talentosa joven actualmente se dedica a su propia carrera como cantante.
A pesar de los altibajos de su vida, ahora ha tomado la decisión de hablar sobre su crianza con su padre, conocido como el “Rey del Pop”.
Pocas personas, si es que hay alguna, desconocen la existencia de Michael Jackson. O sea, no te llaman el “Rey del Pop” por nada, ¿verdad? Pero por mucho que amemos su música, la vida del difunto cantante no fue fácil.
Michael Jackson puede considerarse un producto, alguien creado desde pequeño para ser artista y vocalista. Eso no cambia el hecho de que su música, baile y composición son obras maestras absolutas.
El mundo entero lloró al músico cuando partió en 2009. Prácticamente había pasado toda su vida siendo perseguido por paparazzi y medios sensacionalistas, y ni siquiera cuando fue enterrado por última vez estuvo exento.
Varios helicópteros de los medios de comunicación siguieron a los helicópteros que trasladaban su cuerpo desde el hospital de Los Ángeles. Las noticias sobre Michael Jackson y su familia siguen circulando en todo el mundo hoy en día.
Hoy en día, su familia recibe la mayor parte de la atención. Sus hijos, en particular, han sido blanco de ataques, ya que la familia Jackson es un blanco frecuente para los paparazzi.
Paris Jackson, la segunda hija de Jackson, ha crecido bajo el ojo público. Ahora se esfuerza al máximo por diferenciarse de la hija de Michael Jackson y consolidarse como una persona independiente.
Lleva varios años sufriendo una enfermedad mental, pero en realidad se encuentra muy bien.
El 3 de abril de 1998, en California, nació Paris Jackson. Es la única hija de Michael Jackson y su segundo hijo.
Ella y su hermano recibieron educación en casa hasta sexto grado, lo que hizo que sus primeros años fueran bastante privados. Los niños fueron cuidadosamente protegidos del público porque Michael Jackson quería que mantuvieran su aislamiento. Los niños de la familia de Michael usaban disfraces o llevaban la cabeza envuelta en pañuelos para ocultar sus rostros en las primeras fotografías.
Como resultado, la vida en el Rancho Neverland era extremadamente limitada para Paris y sus hermanos. Nadie puede negar que eran inmensamente ricos, pero también debió ser difícil.
En una entrevista en YouTube con la supermodelo Naomi Campbell, Paris Jackson habló sobre su padre y cómo fue su crianza.
Dijo que Michael Jackson se aseguró de que fueran “cultos”.
“Mi padre se aseguró de que fuéramos cultos, de que tuviéramos educación, y no solo de mostrarnos el brillo y el glamour, como los hoteles y lugares de cinco estrellas”, dijo Paris.
También fue como si viéramos de todo. Vimos países del tercer mundo. Vimos todo el espectro.
Paris Jackson lived all over the world during her childhood days, as her father toured across the globe to play in front of hundreds of thousands of people.
She says she was very grateful about her “privileged” childhood. But at the same time, Paris learned early on that she shouldn’t feel entitled. Her father made sure that the children understood the concept of having to put in work in order to get things.
“Even growing up it was about earning stuff,” Paris said. “If we wanted five toys from FAO Schwarz or Toys ‘R’ Us, we had to read five books.
“It’s earning it, not just being entitled to certain things or thinking ‘oh I got this’,” she added. “It’s like working for it, working hard for it, it’s something else entirely, it’s an accomplishment.”
Paris was only 11 years old when her father passed away.
On June 25, 2009, “The King of Pop” suffered cardiac arrest at his home and passed away shortly after being transported to a nearby hospital. Paris and her brothers ended up in the legal care of their grandmother, Katherine Jackson, as per Michael’s will.
During her father’s televised memorial service, the 11-year-old Paris stood in front of the whole world to say a few words about her father.
“Ever since I was born, daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine,” she said. “And I just wanted to say I love him so much.”
Paris and her brothers, Prince Michael, 12, and Prince Michael II, 7, were all in attendance during the televised memorial service. In fact, that was pretty much the first time the world caught more than just a glimpse of Jackson’s children.
Then, in January 2010, they were once again were seen in public while accepting a posthumous Lifetime Achievement Award for their father at the 2010 Grammy Awards.
In November the same year, Paris appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show to speak about her father, saying that he was amazing.
“I kind of felt like no one understood what a good father he was, he was the best cook ever,” she told Winfrey. “He was just a normal dad.”
“He made the best French toast in the world,” Paris added.
When Michael Jackson passed away, Paris Jackson moved into a mansion in Calabasas, California, with her grandmother Katherine Jackson, as well as other members of her family, according to The Daily Mail.
When she turned 19, she decided to move into Michael Jackson’s private studio at the family compound, which she transformed into a dorm-style bedroom.
Losing your father is hard as it is. But for Paris, it was much more than that. All of a sudden, she was expected to carry on her father’s legacy.
“I tried to grow up too fast”Upon starting seventh grade, Paris decided to attend a private school. At this point, the only ones accepting her for who she was were the older kids, and it didn’t turn out perfect.
“I was doing a lot of things that 13-, 14-, 15-year-olds shouldn’t do. I tried to grow up too fast, and I wasn’t really that nice of a person,” she told Rolling Stone.
Around the same time, social media had become a thing, and Paris faced cyberbullying.
“The whole freedom-of-speech thing is great,” she explained. “But I don’t think that our Founding Fathers predicted social media when they created all of these amendments and stuff.”
Paris went through a lot of trauma as a teenager. She even tried taking her own life following a very serious incident, but that was also somewhat of a turning point.
She spent her sophomore year, as well as half her junior year, at a therapeutic school in Utah, which was great for her.
“I’m a completely different person,” she said. “I was crazy. I was actually crazy, I was going through a lot of, like, teen angst. And I was also dealing with my depression and my anxiety without any help.”
Paris graduated high school in 2015 – one year early – but by this point, she had a lot on her mind. She was one of the heirs of Michel Jackson’s billion-dollar heritage, and everyone saw her as a celebrity, even though she actually hadn’t done anything.
Now, though, Jackson is heading in the same direction as her father: the entertainment business. She’s taken her father’s advice seriously: if you want something, you have to put in work to get it. During the Naomi Campbell interview, Paris stated that she was a “full believer” that she should earn her own success.
For someone born into ridiculous wealth, as the child of one of the most famous people in modern history, this is something we truly adore Paris for. No matter what has happened in her past or who her father is, she wants to do her own thing.
She grew up around only adults except for her siblings. When she left Neverland to go to a real school, it was a big change for her. She grew up as the child of Michael Jackson, but for her, the world was more than that. And in the beginning, it sure was hard.
“Once I got introduced into the real world, I was shocked. It blew me away,” Paris told Harper’s Bazaar. “Not just because it was sexist, but misogynist and racist and cruel. It was scary as hell. And it still is really scary.”
So what did Paris do? Well, she went her own way, starting out working as a model. And she has a real talent for it!
In recent years, she’s been on the covers of some of the world’s most influential magazines, including Rolling Stone, Vogue and Narcisse to name a few.
For Paris, modeling is a very therapeutic and natural thing. Many were shocked when her father transformed via his many plastic surgeries. But in this age of social media and cyberbullying, Paris understands his choice.
“I’ve had self-esteem issues for a really, really long time,” she said. “Plenty of people think I’m ugly, and plenty of people don’t. But there’s a moment when I’m modeling where I forget about my self-esteem issues and focus on what the photographer’s telling me – and I feel pretty. And in that sense, it’s selfish.”
Los seguidores de Paris en Instagram pueden ver su vida mientras ella parece disfrutar salir con sus amigos y disfrutar de todas las cosas de la vida que no pudo experimentar plenamente cuando era más joven.
Lanzó su álbum debut, Wilted, en 2020, siguiendo los pasos musicales de su padre. Paris Jackson se dedica a la música, pero su CD se inclina por el indie folk en lugar del estilo R&B y pop por el que su padre era famoso.
“Es principalmente una historia de desamor y amor en general, y de los pensamientos y sentimientos que surgen cuando algo no funciona”, dijo a Paper.
Paris Jackson creció con la música de su padre y dice saberse la letra de todas sus canciones. Si bien creó su propio sonido, es inevitable que el gusto musical de Michael Jackson la influyera.
“Le encantaba la música clásica, el jazz, el hip hop, el R&B y, obviamente, el estilo Motown”, explica.
Paris Jackson ha rendido homenaje a su padre con más de 50 tatuajes. Nueve de ellos están dedicados a Michael Jackson.
“Lo siento conmigo todo el tiempo” Ella no cree que el tiempo cure y en cambio ha aprendido a vivir con la trágica pérdida de su padre.
Pero al mismo tiempo, Michael Jackson siempre estará con ella, tal como lo recuerda visitándola en sus sueños.
“Vivo con la mentalidad de ‘Vale, perdí lo único que siempre ha sido importante para mí’”, declaró a la revista Rolling Stone. “Así que, de ahora en adelante, cualquier cosa mala que pase no será ni de lejos tan mala como lo que pasó antes. Así que puedo manejarlo”.
“Lo siento conmigo todo el tiempo”.
Cualquiera que haya sufrido la pérdida de un padre puede empatizar con Paris y el dolor que conlleva. Sin embargo, nadie ha vivido la infancia de la misma manera que Paris Jackson.
Nos alegra mucho que ahora pueda dedicarse a sus asuntos sin que la sigan los paparazzi a todas partes. ¡Éxito, París!
Si estás de acuerdo en que Paris Jackson es una mujer valiente, ¡cuéntales a tus amigos y familiares sobre esta publicación!